ウツボグサ / Selfheal

ウツボグサ / Selfheal Backyard
ウツボグサ / Selfheal


Selfheal is an ancient medicinal herb. The flower is lip-shaped, with the upper lip overhanging like an eaves and the lower lip three-lobed. It grows in a whorl on the inflorescence at the end of the stem, and blooms from the bottom up.

【仮名】ウツボグサ, カゴソウ
【和名】靫草, 夏枯草
【学名】Prunella vulgaris
【誕生】06/ 16, 09/ 19
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08月
【花色】Purple, Violet



ウツボグサ:花穂 / Selfheal - Inflorescence
ウツボグサ:花穂 / Selfheal – Inflorescence



ウツボグサ:若い花々 / Selfheal - Young flowers
ウツボグサ:若い花々 / Selfheal – Young flowers



ウツボグサ:花々 / Selfheal - Flowers
ウツボグサ:花々 / Selfheal – Flowers



ウツボグサ:枯れた花穂 / Selfheal - Withered flower spike
ウツボグサ:枯れた花穂 / Selfheal – Withered flower spike



ウツボグサ:茎と葉と花々 / Selfheal - Stems, leaves and flowers
ウツボグサ:茎と葉と花々 / Selfheal – Stems, leaves and flowers

Selfheal is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. It is native to East Asia. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and overseas to the Korean Peninsula, China, and Taiwan. It grows in clusters in sunny places. Along with “Common Selfheal,” which is native to Europe, it is an ancient medicinal herb. The English name Selfheal also means “natural healing.”
The Japanese name Selfheal means “a cylindrical container for storing arrows,” because the shape of the inflorescence is similar. With this container, samurai could nock their arrows on their bows without getting them wet in the rain. Meanwhile, the Latin genus name Prunella comes from the German “tonsillitis,” and the specific name vulgaris means “common.” It has been a familiar medicinal herb since ancient times.
The stem of Selfheal is four-sided. The lower part of the plant creeps and extends fibrous roots from the nodes, while the upper part stands upright. The leaves are opposite and broadly lanceolate with shallow sawtooth. The flowers are lip-shaped, with the upper lip protruding like an eaves and the lower lip three-lobed. They grow in whorls on the inflorescence at the end of the stem, and bloom from the bottom up. They form glossy brown quartos inside the calyx.
Selfheal is still used as a herbal medicine for various diseases. The inflorescences are dried, chopped, boiled and drunk as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and heat-relieving agent, the leaves are rubbed raw and applied to treat eczema and prickly heat, and the whole plant is soaked in shochu for nutritional tonic. The young leaves can be eaten in a soaked or mixed dish, and the flowers can be eaten in vinegar or tempura.
