サネカズラ / Japanese Kadsura

サネカズラ / Japanese Kadsura Backyard
サネカズラ / Japanese Kadsura


The flowers of Japanese Kadsura are milky white and bloom downwards like wind chimes. The center is spherical, with male flowers red and female flowers green. The berries are round and ripen red.

【仮名】サネカズラ, ビナンカズラ
【和名】実葛, 美男葛
【英名】Japanese Kadsura
【学名】Kadsura japonica
【誕生】09/ 15, 11/ 06
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Yellow



サネカズラ:花 / Japanese Kadsura - Flower
サネカズラ:花 / Japanese Kadsura – Flower



サネカズラ:雄花 / Japanese Kadsura - Male flower
サネカズラ:雄花 / Japanese Kadsura – Male flower



サネカズラ:雌花 / Japanese Kadsura - Female flower
サネカズラ:雌花 / Japanese Kadsura – Female flower



サネカズラ:未熟果 / Japanese Kadsura - Immature fruit
サネカズラ:未熟果 / Japanese Kadsura – Immature fruit


Japanese Kadsura

サネカズラ:成熟果 / Japanese Kadsura - Mature fruit
サネカズラ:成熟果 / Japanese Kadsura – Mature fruit

Japanese Kadsura is a climbing evergreen shrub of the Schisandraceae family. In Japan, it is distributed in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu west of the Kanto region, and overseas in the Korean peninsula, China, and Taiwan. It grows wild on forest edges, but is also grown as a familiar garden tree or potted plant. It has been popular in Japan for a long time, and is often written about in the collection of poems “Manyoshu”, which was compiled in the late 7th century to the early 8th century.
The Japanese name of Japanese Kadsura means “a climbing plant with beautiful fruit”. It is also known as “a climbing plant of beautiful men”, “a climbing plant of beautiful women”, and “a climbing plant for hair styling”, because its sap was used for styling hair. It is also known as the “vine of funori”, “vine of grated yam” and “vine of paste”, because its sap was used for minting. The Latin genus name Kadsura comes from the Japanese “vine plant”.
The vines of Japanese Kadsura grow while twining around other things. Its bark is brown and branches vigorously. The leaves are elliptical and alternate. They are thick and leathery with a dull luster. The flowers have several to a dozen milky white tepals. They bloom facing downward like wind chimes. The center of the flower is spherical, with male flowers red and female flowers green. The berries are round and ripen to red.
Japanese Kadsura is easy to propagate by cuttings and division, so it was used as a garden tree such as a hedge or a potted plant such as bonsai. The fruits, dried in the sun, were used as a herbal medicine for nutrition and cough relief. Mucus extracted from the bark with water was used as a herbal medicine to treat cracks and chapped skin.
