Moss-rose Purslane is resistant to high temperatures and dryness, and reproduces by self-sown seedlings, so it is also known as the “immortal plant.” On the other hand, it has lovely flower meanings such as “innocence” and “dainty.”
【英名】Moss-rose Purslane, Rose-moss
【学名】Portulaca grandiflora
【誕生】08/ 03, 08/ 21, 11/ 05
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Yellow, Orange




Moss-rose Purslane

Moss-rose Purslane is an annual plant of the Portulacaceae family. It is native to South America, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. It was introduced to Japan at the end of the Edo period. It is resistant to high temperatures and dryness, and even if left alone, it reproduces by self-sown seedling, so it is also known as the “plant that never perishes.” On the other hand, it has cute flower meanings such as “innocence” and “lovely.”
The Japanese name of Moss-rose Purslane means “pine-like leaves, peony-like flowers.” The Latin genus name Portulaca means “gate” because the flowers open in the morning and close in the evening, or “little door” because the capsule splits. The specific name grandiflora means “big flower.”
The roots of Moss-rose Purslane grow from the tuber as a taproot, followed by fibrous roots. The stems creep along the ground, and the leaves are linear and alternate, all fleshy. The flowers bloom in the sun and wilt in the shade. They range from single to double flowers, and are white, red, or yellow. The capsules that bloom after flowering are densely packed with tiny seeds, which burst and scatter when ripe.
“Green Purslane,” a close relative of Moss-rose Purslane, also has fleshy stems and leaves, but its leaves are spatula-shaped instead of linear. Its flowers are single with five petals, and there are no double flowers. The Latin genus name Portulaca also means “gate” or “little door,” and the specific name oleracea means “vegetable,” “medicinal herb,” or “vegetable garden.”