アサザ / Fringed Water Lily

アサザ / Fringed Water Lily Backyard
アサザ / Fringed Water Lily


Fringed Water Lily grows naturally in shallow water. It is now in decline due to river construction, but it is a familiar flower from ancient times, as it is written about as a hair ornament in the oldest collection of Japanese poetry, the Manyoshu.

【和名】浅沙, 阿佐佐
【英名】Fringed Water Lily, Yellow Floating Heart, Water Fringe
【学名】Nymphoides peltata
【誕生】06/ ??
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09月



アサザ:花と葉 / Fringed Water Lily - Flower and leaves
アサザ:花と葉 / Fringed Water Lily – Flower and leaves



アサザ:花を横から / Fringed Water Lily - Flower from the side
アサザ:花を横から / Fringed Water Lily – Flower from the side



アサザ:花を正面から / Fringed Water Lily - Flower from the front
アサザ:花を正面から / Fringed Water Lily – Flower from the front



アサザ:葉 / Fringed Water Lily - Leaves
アサザ:葉 / Fringed Water Lily – Leaves


Fringed Water Lily

アサザ:花を斜めから / Fringed Water Lily - Flower from an angle
アサザ:花を斜めから / Fringed Water Lily – Flower from an angle

Fringed Water Lily is a perennial plant of the Menyanthaceae family. It is distributed in the temperate zone of the Eurasian continent and is an invasive alien species in North America. In Japan, it grows naturally in shallow water such as lakes, ponds, and waterways from Hokkaido to Kyushu. It is now in decline due to river construction, but it is a familiar flower from ancient times, as it is written about as a hair ornament in the oldest collection of Japanese poetry, the Manyoshu.
The Japanese name of the Fringed Water Lily comes from a word that means “flowers bloom in shallow water” or “flowers bloom in the morning”. The English name includes “Fringe” because the edges of the flower are curled, and “Heart” because the leaves are heart-shaped. The Latin specific name peltata means “shield-like” and is derived from the shape of the leaves.
The Fringed Water Lily has a rhizome that creeps on the bottom of the water and extends roots underground from each node. The leaves are shiny, heart-shaped, and alternate. The leaves extend long stalks and float on the water surface. The flowers bloom on an upright stalk above the water, with five petals and frilly edges. There are long-style flowers with long pistils and short-style flowers with long stamens, and seeds are produced by crossing the two.
The Fringed Water Lily is edible. Although the young leaves have a unique bitter taste, they can be boiled and soaked in water to make a boiled dish, a salad, or a stir-fry. In addition, they contain flavonoids such as rutin and quercetin, and are used as a herbal medicine for fever, swelling, frequent urination, and urinary retention.
