The origin of the name of Loosestrife is that the flower resembles Hagi and is used for Misogi. Fold the flower stalks to wet the spikes with water, and sprinkle the drops on the entrance or offering to cleanse them.
【仮名】ミソハギ, ボンバナ, ショウリョウバナ, ミズカケソウ, センクツサイ
【和名】禊萩, 盆花, 精霊花, 水掛草, 千屈菜
【英名】Loosestrife, Lythrum anceps
【学名】Lythrum anceps
【誕生】09/ 06, 10/ 11
【開花】07, 08, 09月

Loosestrife is a perennial plant of the Lythraceae family. Distribution is from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and the Korean Peninsula. It likes wetlands and grow on the ridges of rice fields. Small flowers bloom at the base of the leaves and have 6 petals. It is a variant flower with different stamen lengths depending on the flower so that visiting insects do not self-pollinate when handing over pollen.
The name of the Loosestrife comes from the Shinto ritual. The flower resembles a hagi, and it is used for loosestrife, so it is called “Misohagi”. Fold the flower stalks to wet the spikes with water, and sprinkle the drops on the entrance or offering to cleanse them. Also known as “Mizukakesou” from that work. Also, because it often grows in waterways, it is said that it turned from “Mizohagi”.
Loosestrife is also known as a Buddhist ritual, such as “Bonbana” and “Shoryobana”. It blooms just around the time of Obon, and it is used for purification by soaking it in water like a Shinto ritual, and it quenches the thirst of hungry demons. Since it is often offered to graves and altars, the flower language is also “sadness of love,” “innocent love,” “sorrow,” and “mercy.”
Loosestrife is an autumn season word, also known as “Senkutsusai,” and is a folk medicine used to prevent diarrhea. However, the Senkutsusai used as a crude drug in Chinese medicine is “Purple Loosestrife”. A closely related species that is larger and has more hair than Loosestrife. Widely distributed from the Eurasian continent to North Africa, it is one of the invasive alien species in the world.