アマナ / Amana

アマナ / Amana Backyard
アマナ / Amana


The Japanese name of Amana means “sweet herb”. This is because the bulbs contain a lot of carbohydrates and taste sweet when eaten. One flower stem extends from between the leaves and one bell-shaped flower blooms.

【仮名】アマナ, ヒロハノアマナ
【和名】甘菜, 広葉の甘菜
【学名】Amana edulis, Amana erythronioides
【誕生】03/ 31, 05/ 03
【開花】03, 04, 05月



アマナ:花 / Amana edulis - flower
アマナ:花 / Amana edulis – flower



アマナ:花を近くから / Amana edulis - flower close up
アマナ:花を近くから / Amana edulis – flower close up



アマナ:花と葉 / Amana edulis - flower and leaves
アマナ:花と葉 / Amana edulis – flower and leaves



ヒロハノアマナ:花と葉 / Amana erythronioides - flower and leaves
ヒロハノアマナ:花と葉 / Amana erythronioides – flower and leaves



ヒロハノアマナ:花々と葉 / Amana erythronioides - flowers and leaves
ヒロハノアマナ:花々と葉 / Amana erythronioides – flowers and leaves



ヒロハノアマナ:花を近くから / Amana erythronioides - flower close up
ヒロハノアマナ:花を近くから / Amana erythronioides – flower close up

Amana is a perennial plant of the Liliaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from the southern Tohoku region of Honshu to Shikoku, Kyushu, and Amami Oshima, and overseas in the Korean Peninsula and northeastern China. It grows wild in moist, sunny fields. It is a Spring ephemeral that grows leaves in the fall and survives the winter, blooms in the spring, and goes dormant in the summer.
The Japanese name of Amana means “sweet herb”. This is because the bulbs contain a lot of carbohydrates and taste sweet when eaten. The Latin genus name Amana is derived from the pronunciation of the Japanese name. The species name edulis means “edible”.
Amana produces oval scales and grows thin stems underground. The leaves are long and thin, with a white line running down the middle, and they grow in pairs on the ground, facing each other. One flower stem extends from between the leaves and one bell-shaped flower blooms. There are 6 tepals, 6 stamens, and 2 bracts. After flowering, it produces round capsules.
A related species of Amana, “erythronioides”, is distributed in Japan only in the Kanto to Kinki regions of Honshu and Shikoku. The species name means “similar to Erythronium.” The leaves are shorter and wider than Amana, with a noticeable white line down the middle. There are 3 bracts under the flower. It has declined to the point where it is threatened with extinction in many places.
Amana’s bulbs are rich in high-quality starch, so it was used not only for food but also for herbal medicine. After flowering, the bulbs are dug up, washed with water, the outer skin is removed, unraveled, and dried in the sun. It is decocted from water and taken to relieve a sore throat, or soaked in alcohol with sucrose for about six months and taken as a tonic.
