Vigna angularis is an asymmetric flower with no axis of symmetry. A vine that stretches while being entwined with things. Although it is a variety of Azuki bean in terms of classification, it is the original species of Azuki bean in terms of strain.
【英名】Vigna Angularis
【学名】Vigna angularis
【誕生】08/ ??
【開花】08, 09, 10月

Vigna Angularis
Vigna angularis is an annual plant belonging to the genus Vigna of the family Leguminosae. It originates in Japan and grows in the wilderness of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Overseas, it is distributed in the Korean Peninsula, Mainland China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan. Although it is a variety of Azuki bean in terms of classification, it is the original species of Azuki bean in terms of strain. Azuki is an improved cultivated species.
Vigna angularis is a wild species with a smooth stem. Azuki is a cultivated species, and its stems are also erect, so it has come to be called “bush vine azuki beans”. Cranes have coarse long hair. It grows long while being entwined with other things. The leaves are oval-shaped, three-lobed compound leaves that alternate and have long yellow-brown hair on both sides. The petioles are also densely populated with coarse hair.
Vigna angularis is an asymmetric flower with no axis of symmetry. The tubular keel valve twists and covers one of the wing valves. The other wing valve protrudes to hold the keel valve. The fruits are hairless and linear legumes hang down. The seeds inside change from green to black-green-brown as they ripen and dehiscence. It is smaller than Azuki beans.