Torenia is resistant to heat and grows large from fine seeds. When you touch the pistil, it closes the petals and has a mechanism to ensure pollination.
【仮名】トレニア, ハナウリクサ, ナツスミレ
【和名】花瓜草, 夏菫
【学名】Torenia fournieri
【誕生】08/ 06, 09/ 27
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink, Purple, Violet, Blue, Yellow

Torenia is the Indochina Peninsula, which has a tropical origin. The classification is an annual plant of the genus Torenia in the family Linderniaceae. Flowering is a long period from spring to autumn. The flower color is also yellow with a combination of pink on a white background and purple on a blue background.
Torenia grows vigorously and thrives well. The optimum temperature for growth is 15 to 30 degrees, and the plant height is 20 to 30 cm. It is resistant to heat and colors summer flower beds. It is also called “summer iris” because it looks like a violet and blooms in summer.
Torenia closes its petals when it touches the pistil. This is a mechanism to ensure pollination. The closed petals will open after a while. And when you touch the pistil, the petals close again … and so on.
Torenia’s flower language is “pretty,” “gentle,” and “adorable” because of its lovely appearance. “Inspiration” from the keen movement that closes the petals when you touch the pistil. It is a “pretty desire” because it grows large from fine seeds.