Glory Bush is a bluish-purple flower that blooms beautifully. Although it flowers for one day, it flowers well and is resistant to cold, so it continues to bloom from summer to winter.
【英名】Glory Bush, Brazilian Spider Flower
【学名】Tibouchina urvilleana
【誕生】10/ 23, 11/ 06
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10, 11月

Glory Bush
Glory Bush is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Tibouchina of the family Melastomataceae. It is native to the tropical regions of northern Brazil. It blooms well and is resistant to cold, so it continues to bloom from summer to winter. Common cultivars include the dwarf “Cote d’Azur”, the winter-flowering “Little Angel”, and the cluster-flowering “Grandifolia”.
The Japanese name of Glory Bush means “bluish-purple wild peony”. On the other hand, another English name is “Spider Flower”, because the many long stamens bend at the anthers and look like spider legs. The Latin genus name Tibouchina comes from the name of the Guiana region where the original species grows naturally.
The leaves of Glory Bush are opposite, elliptical with pointed tips, and the leaves and branches are densely covered with short hairs. The flowers have 5 petals and 10 stamens, all of which are basically bluish purple. Five stamens are long and have long curved anthers at their tips. Capsules are formed after flowering. When ripe, it splits open and scatters the seeds inside.
Relative of Glory Bush “Melastoma candidum” has a similar shape, but is native to Southeast Asia and East Asia, and the color of stamens is different. Both the long and short stamens of Glory Bush are bluish purple, but the short stamens of Melastoma candidum are yellow. However, “Cote d’Asur” is confusing because both long and short stamens are white.