Japanese Snowbell flowers have a sweet fragrance. Its half-opened flower has 5 deeply clefts and 10 stamens. In the old days, children picked flowers, rubbed them with both hands, and played with foaming them.
【仮名】エゴノキ, チシャノキ
【和名】野茉莉, 萵苣の木
【英名】Japanese Snowbell
【学名】Styrax japonica
【誕生】05/ 07
【開花】05, 06月
【花色】White, Pink
Japanese Snowbell
Japanese Snowbell is a deciduous tall tree of Styracaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and overseas, it is distributed in the Korean Peninsula, China, and the Philippines. It likes damp places and grows naturally in thickets of mountains. The branches and leaves are rustic, and the flowers and fruits are bell-shaped. It can be planted in the garden because it is resistant to heat and cold and is easy to grow.
Japanese name of Japanese Snowbell means “harsh taste tree” because the pericarp has a stiff bitterness that clings to the tongue. The English name comes from the white flowers that bloom like bells. The genus name Styrax in Latin means benzoin. This is because the resin contains benzoic acid, which is an aromatic component.
Japanese Snowbell is also known as the “Lettuce Tree”. In Japan’s oldest collection of poems “Manyoshu”, it is described as “mountain lettuce” and “lettuce flower”, and in the mid-Edo period Kabuki “Meiboku Sendaihagi,” it is sung as “lettuce tree”. This is because if the tree is damaged, milk will ooze out like lettuce. It was also called “wheel tree” because it was used for wheel work because the wood is dense and hard to crack.
The bark of Japanese Snowbell is brown, and as the tree ages, shallow vertical fissures appear. The leaves are oblong and alternate with pointed tips. The flowers have long stems, many small flowers bloom in a row, and have a sweet fragrance. The corolla is deeply divided into 5 and half-opened, and there are 10 stamens. After flowering, an oval-shaped capsule is formed, and when ripe, it splits and the seeds are exposed.
Japanese Snowbell has strains with mutations in branch, leaf, and flower. “Pendulus” in branch, “Angustifolius” and “Kotoensis” in leaf, and “Parviflorus” and “Rubricalyx” in flower. In addition, the cultivar “Roseus” has pink flowers and is distributed under the name “Pink Chime”.
Japanese Snowbell contains a toxic ingredient “Egosaponin” that is the source of the harsh taste in the pericarp. If you eat it by mistake, it will not only irritate your throat, but also damage the mucous membrane of your stomach and cause hemoptysis. On the other hand in the past, since it removes stains from clothes like soap, it was used for laundry. The children picked flowers, rubbed them with both hands, and played with foaming them.