Jade Vine flowers are the same color as the lustrous gemstone “jade” and are shaped like the ancient ornament “Magatama”. They are also called “Queen’s earrings” because the flowers hang in a row.
【英名】Jade Vine
【学名】Strongylodon macrobotrys
【誕生】03/ ??
【開花】03, 04, 05月
【花色】Purple, Violet, Blue, Green




Jade Vine

Jade Vine is an evergreen vine of the Fabaceae family. It is native to the Philippine Islands in Southeast Asia. The color of the flowers is like the lustrous gemstone “jade” and changes from blue-green to reddish-purple over time. The shape of the flowers is like the ancient ornament “Magatama”. Many flowers hang in a row and are also called “Queen’s earrings”.
The Japanese name of Jade Vine has the same meaning as its English name. This is because the color of the flowers resembles the gemstone “jade”. The Latin genus name Strongylodon means “round tooth” and comes from the shape of the calyx. The specific name macrobotrys means “large raceme” and comes from the shape of the inflorescence.
Jade Vine leaves are alternately arranged with three short leaflets. The terminal leaflet is elliptical, and the lateral leaflets are oval. The flowers are a series of florets that look like upside-down claws or beaks. The florets are butterfly-shaped, with standard, wing, and keel petals extending from the calyx. Megabats are responsible for pollination. The fruit that blooms is oblong. When the fruit ripens, it splits open and drops reddish-purple seeds.
Unlike the gemstone jade, which is influenced by mineral composition, the jade color of Jade Vine is due to copigmentation. The reddish-purple anthocyanin “Malvin” and the colorless flavonoid “Saponarin” interact with each other in a ratio of 1:9. Furthermore, the epidermal cells become alkaline, making the color darker, deeper, and more subdued.