イヌゴマ / Stachys aspera

イヌゴマ / Stachys aspera Backyard
イヌゴマ / Stachys aspera


Stachys aspera flowers are arranged in whorls of small flowers at the end of the stem like spikes. The small flowers are lip-shaped with a rounded upper lip, three lobes on the lower lip, and four stamens. The flower language is “goodness” and “honesty.”

【仮名】イヌゴマ, チョロギダマシ
【和名】犬胡麻, 草石蚕騙し
【英名】Stachys aspera
【学名】Stachys aspera
【誕生】06/ ??
【開花】06, 07, 08月



イヌゴマ:花穂 / Stachys aspera - Flower spike
イヌゴマ:花穂 / Stachys aspera – Flower spike



イヌゴマ:花穂を近くから / Stachys aspera - Flower spike up close
イヌゴマ:花穂を近くから / Stachys aspera – Flower spike up close



イヌゴマ:小花 / Stachys aspera - Small flowers
イヌゴマ:小花 / Stachys aspera – Small flowers



イヌゴマ:群生 / Stachys aspera - Cluster
イヌゴマ:群生 / Stachys aspera – Cluster


Stachys aspera

イヌゴマ:小花が輪生 / Stachys aspera - Small flowers in whorls
イヌゴマ:小花が輪生 / Stachys aspera – Small flowers in whorls

Stachys aspera is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and overseas to the Korean Peninsula, northern China, and eastern Russia. The flowers are arranged in whorls of small flowers at the end of the stem like spikes. In the past, it grew in clusters in fertile wetlands such as farmland and riverbeds, but it is now in decline. The flower language is “goodness” and “honesty.”
The Japanese name for Stachys aspera means “dog sesame.” This is because the leaves look like sesame, but the fruit is inedible. Another name for it is “fake Chinese artichoke.” Although the flower resembles that of Chinese artichoke, the roots are inedible. The Latin genus name Stachys means “ear of wheat” and describes the shape of the flower head. The specific name aspera means “rough” and comes from the texture of the underside of the leaves.
Stachys aspera grows long, slender underground stems. The stems stand upright with four edges. Small spines grow downward. The leaves are lanceolate, with shallow sawtooth edges, and grow opposite each other. The surface is wrinkled, and the underside is densely covered with short hairs. The florets are lip-shaped with a rounded upper lip, a three-lobed lower lip, and four stamens. When the fruit ripens after flowering, the seeds fall out of the calyx.
Among the varieties of Stachys aspera, the hispidula species means “hairy” in Latin. The baicalensis species means “from Lake Baikal” and is a hairy northern variety. The japonica species means “Japanese” and is a hairless southern variety.
