オオツルボ / Cuban Lily

オオツルボ / Cuban Lily Backyard
オオツルボ / Cuban Lily


Cuban lily is densely packed with small buds and blooms from bottom to top and from outside to inside. The blue corolla and the yellow anthers seem to have lit a star-shaped candlestick one by one.

【仮名】オオツルボ, シラー・ペルビアナ
【英名】Cuban Lily, Peruvian Lily
【学名】Scilla peruviana
【誕生】02/ 27, 03/ 13, 03/ 15, 05/ 30, 05/ 31, 06/ 07
【開花】04, 05, 06月
【花色】White, Violet, Blue











Cuban Lily

Cuban lily is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Scilla of the Asparagus family. The place of origin is the Mediterranean coast such as the Iberian Peninsula, Italy and Northwest Africa. It grows naturally in grasslands, forest edges, pasture and roadsides. The family name has changed from the previous lily family due to the classification system. The genus name is also called Scilla by Japanese, depending on how it is read in Latin.

The scientific name of cuban lily comes from the fact that the name of the ship happened to be “Peru” when a native species of southern Spain was brought to England in the 17th century. Although the English name is also known as “Cuba” in addition to Peru, it does not grow naturally in Central and South America. As for the gardening name, “Schiller Peruviana” is more common than the standard Japanese name.

The flower stalk of cuban lily rises between the leaves. The tip is oval with dense small buds. It blooms from bottom to top and from outside to inside, transforming into an umbrella-like shape. The small flowers have 6 perianths and 6 stamens. The blue corolla and the yellow anthers seem to light the star-shaped candlesticks one by one.

The leaves of cuban lily are glossy, wide, linear and thick. It is a basal leaf whose leaves grow directly from the bulbs in the ground. In the rainy season, the leaves on the ground wither and dormant. Overcome the heat of summer with the bulbs in the basement, and grow the leaves again in autumn. It is resistant to pests and can withstand the harsh cold of winter. Even if left alone, it will multiply in the spheroid.
