Soapwort has long been used as a laundry detergent. Its Japanese name means “soap grass” because the leaves lather like soap when soaked in water and rubbed. The flower is faintly sweetly scented.
【仮名】サボンソウ, シャボンソウ, セッケンソウ, サポナリア
【英名】Soapwort, Saponaria
【学名】Saponaria officinalis
【誕生】07/ 30, 08/ 24
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink

Soapwort is a perennial herb of the Caryophyllaceae family. It has spread from its place of origin in Europe to all over the world, and has long been used as a detergent for clothes, a medicine for respiratory diseases, and an emulsifier for sweets. It also came to Japan for ornamental use in the Meiji era, and while the standard single-flowered species has become wild in various places, the double-flowered garden variety is distributed as “Saponaria”.
Soapwort’s Japanese name means “soap grass” because the leaves lather like soap when soaked in water and rubbed. Its pronunciation “Savon” comes from the Italian city Savona, where soap was made using the kettle-cooking method. The English name Soapwort also means “soap grass”, and the Latin genus name Saponaria means “soap”. The species name Officinalis is “medicinal”.
Soapwort stems are reddish and erect without branching. The leaves are lanceolate and opposite, with 3 to 5 distinct veins. The flowers bloom sequentially from the tip of the stem, with 5 petals, a small auxiliary corolla at the base, and 10 stamens. It has a faintly sweet scent that intensifies at night. The post-flowering capsule splits when ripe and disperses the seeds.
Soapwort has double-flowered varieties. “Rosea Plena” has light pink flowers, “Rubra Plena” has dark pink flowers, and “Alba Plena” has pure white flowers. The closely related species “Ocymoides” is creeping and densely blooms pink or white florets. Once a closely related species “Vaccaria” is now classified as the genus Vaccaria.
Soapwort contains saponins that have surfactant properties. Since ancient times, the juice of the stems and leaves has been used as a detergent for clothes, the dried powder of the rhizome has been used as a phlegm remover and cough suppressant, and as an emulsifier in Halva, a traditional sweet eaten from North Africa to South Asia. On the other hand, if you take too much, you may experience poisoning symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting.