Japanese Raspberry has a white schizopetalous flower. The fruits are neither sweet nor sour, and do not keep for long, but they are wild berries that children take a detour to pick and fill their mouths with.
【英名】Japanese Raspberry
【学名】Rubus hirsutus
【誕生】03/ 31
【開花】03, 04, 05月

Japanese Raspberry
Japanese Raspberry is a small deciduous shrub belonging to the Rosaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu, and outside of Japan, it is distributed in the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, and China. It grows anywhere from mountains to plains, as long as it is sunny. Even if the foliage is removed, it can be regenerated if the rhizome remains. It’s a familiar “wild berry” from a long time ago.
The name of Japanese Raspberry means “wild grass strawberry” ,because it is low-growing and has long branches and lot leaves that make it look like a herbaceous plant although it is a tree. It is a very common strawberry of “roadside grass”. The Latin genus name Rubus means “red” and comes from the fruit. The specific epithet Hirsutus means “coarse hair” and is derived from the stem and leaves.
Japanese Raspberry are covered with soft hairs, and fine spines grow sparsely. The leaves are oblong and small, with fine serrations on the edges, and are alternately winged. Flowering branches have 3 leaflets and non-flowering branches have 5 leaflets. The flower has 5 petals and is white with separated petals. Many stamens surround many pistils.
After flowering, many ovaries enlarge and produce round fruit. When ripened to a red color, the sweet flavor increases and is processed into jams. Compared to cultivars with enlarged flower stalks, they are less sweet and sour, and do not last long. However, it is a wild berry that children go out of their way to pick and eat while being careful of the thorns.
Japanese Raspberry is a member of “Raspberry”. Related species are “Crataegifolius” with large and strong plants, “Illecebrosus” with sharp spines, “Phoenicolasius” with reddish purple appearance, “Vernus” with red flowers, “Parvifolius” with reddish purple flowers, “Palmatus” with yellow fruits, “Sumatranus” with orange fruits, “Mesogaeus” with black fruits, and “Microphyllus” with bitter fruits etc. You can eat all of them.