Memorial Rose flowers are white with 5-6 petals. The flowers begin to bloom later than Multiflora Rose, and the number of flowers is sparse. However, the corolla is larger, and the flowers are modestly scented sweetly.
【英名】Memorial Rose
【学名】Rosa luciae, Rosa wichuraiana
【誕生】10/ 27
【開花】06, 07月
【花色】White, Pink

Memorial Rose
Memorial Rose is a deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family. The place of origin is the Tibetan Plateau in East Asia, and in Japan it is distributed from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu, and overseas from the Korean Peninsula to China. It grows naturally in sunny and well-drained areas, from coastal sands to riverbeds, fields, forest edges, and rocky areas in mountains. Flower language is “simple love”.
The branches of Memorial Rose do not stand straight like Multiflora Rose, but spread in all directions, so they are also called “crawling roses” in Japan. The branches do not grow thicker, and the bark is hairless and smooth. Many side branches rise straight from the main branch, and flowers bloom at the tips.
The Japanese name of Memorial Rose means “Multiflora Rose with glossy leaves”. Because the leaves of Multiflora Rose are not glossy. The leaves are pinnate and alternate. The phyllotaxis is uniform in shape and size with the terminal leaflet and 3 pairs of lateral leaflets. The leaflets are glabrous, elliptical, with finely serrated margins, dark green on the upper surface and pale green on the lower surface. The stipules are fused to the petiole.
Memorial Rose flowers are white with 5-6 petals similar to Multiflora Rose. The style of the pistil protrudes from the flower bed, and the stigma is densely covered with white hairs. It is surrounded by numerous stamens. It blooms about a month later than Multiflora Rose, and the number of flowers is sparse. However, the corolla is one size larger, the flowers are modestly scented sweetly, and blooms long.
After flowering of Memorial Rose, the calyx tube enlarges and forms a round pseudofruit. Ripe red and sweetly fragrant. Pseudofruit contains flavonoid glycosides such as multiflorin and quercetin like Multiflora Rose. It is dried in the sun before it is fully ripened, and is used to relieve constipation, diuresis, and edema. Decoction is used externally to improve swelling and contusions.