ナニワイバラ / Cherokee Rose

ナニワイバラ / Cherokee Rose Backyard
ナニワイバラ / Cherokee Rose


The English name Cherokee Rose comes from Native Americans. Cherokee mothers lost their children when they were driven from their homes by the Gold Rush. This rose symbolizes their sorrow.

【和名】難波茨, 浪花茨
【英名】Cherokee Rose
【学名】Rosa laevigata
【誕生】05/ 30
【開花】04, 05, 06月



ナニワイバラ:花を正面から / Cherokee Rose - Flower from the front
ナニワイバラ:花を正面から / Cherokee Rose – Flower from the front



ナニワイバラ:花を斜めから / Cherokee Rose - Flower from an angle
ナニワイバラ:花を斜めから / Cherokee Rose – Flower from an angle



ナニワイバラ:雄しべと雌しべ / Cherokee Rose - Stamens and pistils
ナニワイバラ:雄しべと雌しべ / Cherokee Rose – Stamens and pistils



ナニワイバラ:花柄と萼筒のトゲ / Cherokee Rose - Pedicel and calyx tube thorns
ナニワイバラ:花柄と萼筒のトゲ / Cherokee Rose – Pedicel and calyx tube thorns


Cherokee Rose

ナニワイバラ:花をもっと斜めから / Cherokee Rose - Flower from a more oblique angle
ナニワイバラ:花をもっと斜めから / Cherokee Rose – Flower from a more oblique angle

Cherokee Rose is an evergreen shrub of the Rosaceae family. In its native China, it has long been used as a herbal medicine. It was introduced to Japan in the early 18th century, and its cultivation spread for ornamental purposes. It was introduced to the United States at the end of the 18th century, and it became naturalized in the southeastern part of the country. Its flowers bloom once in early summer and are fragrant. The flower language is “pure love” and “affection and respect”.
The Japanese name of Cherokee Rose means “Osaka”, because its cultivation spread by Osaka gardeners and merchants. The English name comes from the name of Native Americans. Cherokee mothers lost their children when they were driven from their homes by the Gold Rush. This rose symbolizes their sorrow.
The Cherokee Rose tree is a vine. The sharp thorns entwine the branches and grow. The leaves are trifoliate and alternate. The leaflets are oval with sharp tips, fine sawtooth edges, and glossy surfaces. The flowers have five white petals and many yellow stamens. The calyx tube and flower stalks have long thorns. After flowering, a brown false fruit forms.
The false fruit of Cherokee Rose contains vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid, tannins, etc. In China, it is used as a herbal medicine for bedwetting, urinary incontinence, and diarrhea. The roots and flowers have the same effect. The leaves are used for swelling and ulcers. In general, it has the effect of tightening the body to prevent unexpected leakage of contents.
