The flower spikes of Sacred Lily are pale yellow-green and cylindrical, and small flowers with 6 perianths grow densely. Land molluscs such as the cochlea act as pollinators, and glossy round berries ripen.
【英名】Sacred Lily
【学名】Rohdea japonica
【誕生】01/ 24, 12/ 19
【開花】05, 06月





Sacred Lily

Sacred Lily is an evergreen perennial plant belonging to the Asparagaceae family. The place of origin is Japan, distributed from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu. While it grows naturally in damp places in mountains, it has long been popular in gardens and potted plants. Cultivation began in earnest in the Edo period, and breeding and improvement progressed, with more than 1,000 varieties. The language of flowers is “longevity” etc.
The Japanese name of Sacred Lily comes from the sacred mountain, which used to be a famous production area in the northern part of Oita Prefecture. It is the descending place of the Shinto goddess. Another mean is that the rhizome is large and thick. The Chinese name means that the leaves do not wilt and remain green, and the plant looks like it has been living eternally.
The leaves of Sacred Lily are linear, broad, leathery, thick, with wide wavy margins, and grow directly from the rhizome at the ground level. The flower spikes are pale yellow-green and cylindrical, and the florets with 6 perianth tepals grow densely. After flowering, it bears green, glossy round berries that turn red or yellow when ripe.
There are three types of Sacred Lily, depending on the size of the leaves. “Big leaf” is close to the original species and has a powerful effect. “Small leaf” has thick leaves and is also called “Woollen cloth”. “Middle leaf” has thin leaves and many varieties.
Rhizomes and leaves of Sacred Lily were used as herbal medicines for cardiotonic, diuretic and detoxification. In fact, it contains the cardiac glycosides rhodein, rhodenine, and rodexin. However, these ingredients are toxic, and ingestion may cause nausea, vomiting, headache, arrhythmia, hypotension, and even death after generalized convulsions, so caution is required.