The Azalea flower is funnel-shaped and is a sympetalae with five fissures at the tip. There is a speckled pattern on the inside of the petals called the “nectar guide”, which tells the pollinator insects that they have nectaries.
【和名】躑躅, 映山紅
【誕生】05/ 07, 06/ 07
【開花】04, 05月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple

Azalea belongs to the genus Azalea of ??the family Ericaceae. The flower is funnel-shaped and is a sympetalae with five fissures at the tip. About 90 species are distributed in East Asia, and 17 species such as Yama tsutsuji, Kishi tsutsuji, and Mochi tsutsuji grow naturally in Japan. From the Edo period to the Meiji and Taisho eras, many horticultural varieties such as Kurume tsutsuji were produced using these native species as breeding parents.
Of the genus Azalea, azaleas have large leaves and flowers and bloom around April. “Satsuki” has small and hard leaves and blooms around May. “Shakunage” has shiny leaves, and the flowers are in the shape of a Temari that blooms together at the tip of the branch. “Azalea” is gorgeous with abundant flower colors and double-flowered flowers.
The name of the Tsutsuji: azalea comes from the fact that the flowers are like “Tsutsu: tubes”. Or, it is said that the “Tsuzuki: continuation” has changed because the flowers bloom in a row. The Japanese name character both mean “stop” and “stand”. In other words, “the person who sees the flower stops and is so beautiful that it stands for a while.”
The azalea flowers have a speckled pattern called “nectar guide” on the inside of the upper petal. This is to tell the insects that they have nectaries and have them carry pollen. In fact, only the patterned petals have nectar underneath. Stamens are also placed so that pollination is easy with the nectar guide. The stigma of the pistil also faces the nectar guide.
The azalea has sweet nectar in the back of the flower. It is a very familiar flower such as garden trees and roadside trees, so there are many people who smoked and played with the nectar when they were children. However, since the nectar contains a toxic component, “grayanotoxin,” high intakes can cause vomiting, convulsions, and diarrhea.
Azalea is a haiku and spring season word. In Japanese poems, it is used as a makurakotoba and means “nihofu”, which means “beautiful like a flower”. It is also used to describe the color, and “Azalea Burning Yu” is a bright reddish purple. Perhaps because it has both sweet honey and dangerous poison, the flower language is “moderation” and “modesty” along with “first love” and “joy of love”.