Chinese Quince flowers are dioecious with five petals. Its attractive features are its pink flowers in spring, green leaves in summer, red leaves in autumn, and yellow fruits in winter. The uneven surface fruits ripen and give off a fragrant aroma.
【仮名】カリン, アンランジュ
【和名】花梨, 安蘭樹
【英名】Chinese Quince
【学名】Pseudocydonia sinensis
【誕生】11/ 01, 11/ 21
【開花】03, 04, 05月
【花色】White, Pink





Chinese Quince

Chinese Quince is a deciduous tree in the Rosaceae family. It is native to eastern China and was introduced to Japan at the latest in the early Edo period. It was planted in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Its attractive features are its pink flowers in spring, green leaves in summer, red leaves in autumn, and yellow fruits in winter. People planted Oak in the backyard and Chinese Quince in the front yard to pray for prosperity in business.
The Japanese name of Chinese Quince comes from another name for “Pterocarpus indicus” in the Fabaceae family, because the grain of the wood is similar. The Latin genus name Pseudocydonia means “false quince” and the specific name sinensis means “Chinese”.
Chinese Quince has an upright trunk. The bark peels off in scales, creating a mottled pattern. The leaves are egg-shaped with pointed tips, shiny on the surface, with sawtooth edges, and alternate. The flowers are dioecious with five petals. Male flowers have only 20 stamens, while bisexual flowers have five-lobed pistils. After flowering, the pear-shaped fruit with an uneven surface becomes swollen, ripens to a yellow color, and gives off a fragrant scent.
Chinese Quince has a fragrant but hard fruit, and is not suitable for eating raw because it is sour and astringent. For this reason, it is processed into honey, jam, fruit wine, etc. On the other hand, it is rich in malic acid and citric acid, and is used as a herbal medicine in both Japan and China. It is used as a decoction to suppress coughs, regulate the intestines, relieve diuresis, and relieve pain.
“Quince”, which resembles Chinese Quince, is a deciduous tree of the Rosaceae family, native to Central Asia. It is also called “Western Quince” in Japanese, and its fruits ripen yellow, give off a similar fragrance, and are processed into candied fruit and fruit wine. On the other hand, the bark is gray-brown without any mottling, and the leaf edges are smooth. The surface of the fruit is covered with gray-white soft hairs.