Pollia japonica has similar stems and leaves to Japanese ginger, but flowers are set on the straight stem tips. When the white flowers are finished, they become green fruits, and when they ripen, they become bluish purple.
【英名】Pollia Japonica
【学名】Pollia japonica
【誕生】08/ 05
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09月
ヤブミョウガの花は1日花。真っ直ぐ伸びた茎先に、白い卵形の蕾が固まってつきます。花が咲くと、白い花弁が 3枚、萼が3枚、雄しべ が6本、雌しべ が1本。花は2種類あります。1つは白い雌しべが目立つ「両性花」。もう1つは黄色い葯の付いた雄しべが目立つ「雄花」です。
Pollia Japonica
Pollia japonica is a perennial plant of the Commelina communis family. Distributed from China in East Asia to the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, and Japan. In Japan, it is distributed in warm regions west of the Kanto region and grows naturally in humid places such as forest edges. Flowers are the summer season words, and fruits are the autumn season words. The flower language is “unrewarded effort,” “relieving suffering,” and “virtue of humility.”
The origin of the name of pollia japonica is that the stems and leaves are similar to Japanese ginger. The stems are upright and wrapped around the leaf sheath, and the leaves are oblong alternate. The surface of the leaves is rough, which is different from Japanese ginger. The leaves can be eaten in early summer when they do not open completely. Collect young shoots and boil them in salt, or use them for stir-fry and soup.
The flower of Pollia japonica is a one-day flower. White egg-shaped buds stick to the straight stem tips. When the flowers bloom, he has three white petals, three calyxes, six stamens and one pistil. There are two types of flowers. One is the “amphoteric flower” where the white pistil stands out. The other is the “male flower” with stamens with yellow anthers.
The fruits of Pollia japonica are spherical. It is green when young, but becomes deep bluish purple when ripe. The fruits do not dehiscence even when ripe and dry to dryness. When you break the fruit, the peel will crumble. There is no juice in the fruit, only small seeds. In addition to these seeds, even if the rhizome is extended, it will grow and grow in clusters.