They have a long English name that means “kiss me over the garden gate”. The reason for this is that the crimson flowers sway and look as if they are waiting for a meeting.
【英名】Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate
【学名】Persicaria orientalis
【誕生】08/ 17, 09/ 07, 10/ 19
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】Pink, Red
Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate
They are an annual plant of the Polygonaceae family. It is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of southeastern Asia, and is distributed in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, China, Taiwan, and the Korean Peninsula. It was introduced to Japan during the Edo period as an ornamental and became wild. It grows naturally in sunny and damp places from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
The origin of their Japanese name: Big Hairy Persicaria is that the plant is taller than other species of the genus Persicaria, and the entire plant is densely covered with fine hairs. The deep crimson flowers are also known as ‘Crimson Hairy Persicaria’. The Latin genus name is “Peach”, which means that the leaves are similar in shape, and the species name is “Eastern”, which means the direction of the place of origin as seen from Europe.
They have a long English name that means “kiss me over the garden gate”. That’s because they are planted in the garden, and the crimson flowers sway above the closed door, making them look as if they are waiting for a meeting. In addition, there are English names such as “princess’s feather” and “prince’s feather” because of the appearance of the flower heads swaying in the wind.
The leaves of Them are alternate. It has a broad oval shape with a pointed tip, and the front and back are densely covered with short hairs. The stem is branched, and at the tip it blooms small flowers like ears of rice. The flower has 5 sepals, 2 stamens in the middle and 5 around them, and 2 cleft pistils. The flower spikes bloom in order from the bottom and hang down. After flowering, it becomes dark brown achene.
They are easy to mutate, and for ornamental purposes, strains with short foliage, long flower spikes, and dark flower colors are cultivated. In the past, it was used to detoxify poisonous insects and poisonous snakes, and to alleviate lacquer rashes. The soft fresh leaves were rubbed and the juice was applied to the affected area. The language of flowers is “eloquence”, “compassion”, “pure heart” and “perfect loveliness”.