コウホネ / Spatterdock

コウホネ / Spatterdock Backyard
コウホネ / Spatterdock


Spatterdock’s flower blooms upwards. The flower has 5 large, thick sepals on the outside and 15 small, inconspicuous petals on the inside. The stamens and pistils are shaped like a fountain.

【英名】Spatterdock, Yellow Pond Lily
【学名】Nuphar japonicum
【誕生】07/ 05, 07/ 10, 08/ 06, 08/ 08
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09月

Nuphar japonicum - Flowering
Nuphar japonicum – Flowering
Nuphar japonicum - Flowering from an angle
Nuphar japonicum – Flowering from an angle
Nuphar japonicum - Flowering from the side
Nuphar japonicum – Flowering from the side
Nuphar japonicum - whole plant
Nuphar japonicum – whole plant
Nuphar japonicum - flower and leaves
Nuphar japonicum – flower and leaves
Nuphar japonicum - leaf
Nuphar japonicum – leaf













Spatterdock is a perennial plant of the Nymphaeaceae family. It is distributed from southwestern Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and grows naturally in ponds, rivers, and waterways. The rhizome is spongy and extends through the bottom mud, and the leaves grow underwater, on the water surface, and above the water. The flower blooms upwards at the tip of long slender stalk. The language of flower is “hidden love”.

The Japanese name of Spatterdock means “river bone”. This is because the thick white rhizomes that crawl along the riverbed look like animal bones lying on the riverbed. It is also called “river lotus” because of the shape of its leaves. The Latin genus name Nuphar means “water lily” in Arabic, and the species name Japonicum means “Japan”.

Spatterdock has heavily branched rhizomes and leaves in bunches. The underwater leaves are long and slender and wavy, the leaves on the water surface are round and shiny, and the above-water leaves are pointed and fleshy. The flower has 5 large, thick sepals on the outside and 15 small, inconspicuous petals on the inside, and the stamens and pistils are shaped like a fountain. When the berries ripen after flowering, they submerge in water and scatter seeds.

A related species of Spatterdock, “Saikokuensis” is distributed in western Japan and has a similar shape, but its flowers are smaller and its leaves on the water surface stand out. In addition, “Subintegerrimum” is distributed in the Tokai region, “Pumila” is distributed in Hokkaido to Tohoku region, and “Ozeense” is distributed in Oze and Gassan. “Rubrotinctum” flowers turn red at the end of blooming.

Spatterdock’s rhizomes contain the alkaloid nuharidine, and when dug up and dried, it can be used as a herbal medicine. It is boiled and used for antitussive, expectorant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, purifying, hemostatic, tonic, and antipyretic purposes. The Ainu people of Hokkaido used to remove the scum from the rhizomes, dry them, rehydrate them, and eat them as ingredients for soups.
