Lotus has a legend that even if a loved one dies in this life, they will be reborn together on the lotus flower in the paradise, and be reunited in the next life.
【仮名】ハス, ハチス, レンゲ, レンコン
【和名】蓮, 蓮華, 蓮根
【学名】Nelumbo nucifera
【誕生】07/ 03, 07/ 08, 08/ 15, 09/ 26
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink, Yellow
Lotus is a deciduous perennial plant of the Nelumbonaceae family. It is native to India and is widely distributed in tropical to temperate regions of the world, growing wild in wetlands, being cultivated in ponds for ornamental purposes and in paddy fields for food. There is a legend that even if a loved one dies in this life, they will be reborn together on the lotus flower in the paradise, and be reunited in the next life.
The Japanese name of Lotus means “bee hive”. This is because there are many holes in the flower receptacle after flowering, resembling a beehive. The Chinese name means “to be connected”, because the tubers are in a row. The roots of Lotus are edible and the flowers are ornamental. The Latin genus name Nelumbo means “Lotus” in Sinhala, and the species epithet Nucifera means “nut-bearing”.
Lotus grows through mud with its gnarled tubers breathing through internal vents. The leaves are round, long-stalked, basal, and have water-repellent surfaces. The flowers are solitary, long-stalked, and have many petals and stamens. The flowers open in the morning and close in the afternoon, repeating this process for 3 to 4 days before falling. After flowering, the flower receptacles enlarge and become hard, forming a honeycomb shape.
The roots of Lotus have a pleasant texture and can be eaten in tempura, kinpira, boiled dishes, etc., and the root knots are used as herbal medicine to stop bleeding. The nuts have a sweet and bitter taste, and in addition to being eaten raw, they can be boiled and used as an ingredient in porridge, or processed into bean paste. It is made into a herbal medicine and is used for stomach health, sedation, and tonicity.
Lotus is a sacred flower in Buddhism. While growing in sludge, it blooms into beautiful flowers and bears many fruits, symbolizing the “reincarnation” from the impure humanity to the holy heavenly path. The newborn Buddha took seven steps and stood on a Lotus flower, pointing to the heavens with his right hand and the earth with his left hand, chanting, “Center of the universe”.