バショウ / Japanese Banana

バショウ / Japanese Banana Backyard
バショウ / Japanese Banana


In Japanese Banana, a flower stalk extends from the middle of the pseudostems, and the tip of the flower stalk droops with large bract leaves. Female flowers bloom at the base of the flower stalk and male flowers at the base of the bract leaf, each arranged in two rows.

【英名】Japanese Banana
【学名】Musa basjoo
【誕生】08/ 02
【開花】06, 07, 08月
【花色】White, Green, Yellow

Musa basjoo - bracts, male flowers and berries
Musa basjoo – bracts, male flowers and berries
Musa basjoo - bracts
Musa basjoo – bracts
Musa basjoo - male flowers
Musa basjoo – male flowers
Musa basjoo - whole
Musa basjoo – whole
Musa basjoo - leaf
Musa basjoo – leaf
Musa basjoo - young leaves
Musa basjoo – young leaves












Japanese Banana

Overview of Japanese Banana

Japanese Banana is a perennial plant of the Musaceae family. Originating in the subtropical southern part of China, it was introduced to Japan during the Heian period. It is resistant to cold and grows outdoors in the Kanto region and to the west. In addition to ornamental use, rhizome and leaves are used for medicinal purposes such as antipyretic and diuretic. It is also a symbol of “impermanence” and was planted in the hermitage by Basho Matsuo, a haiku poet in the Edo period.

Name of Japanese Banana

The Japanese name of Japanese Banana is the on-yomi of the Chinese name. The Chinese name means “dried up”, because the leaves wither without dropping. The Latin genus name Musa is the name of a botanist in the 1st century BC, and the species name Basjoo is derived from the Japanese name. It was named by Siebold, a German naturalist who came to Japan in the 19th century.

Root and Leaf of Japanese Banana

Japanese Banana has an enlarged rhizome and spreads around while producing offspring. The sheaths overlap and stand straight up from the base, forming pseudostems. The leaves first roll up and rise, then open up and fall down. Large oblong shape with side veins extending from the main vein at right angles. It is easily torn by wind and rain, tearing along the leaf veins.

Flower and fruit of Japanese Banana

The flowers of Japanese Banana extend flower stalks from the middle of the pseudostems and droop with large bract leaves at the tips. Female flowers bloom at the base of the flower stalk, and male flowers bloom at the base of the bract leaf, each arranged in two rows. After flowering, it drops bract leaves and bears small banana-like berries, but they are not edible. The flesh has a strong astringency and contains many large seeds.

Relatives of Japanese Banana

“Musa x paradisiaca”, a closely related species of Japanese Banana, is called “Fruit Banana” because its berries are large and can be eaten sweetly, although it has a similar shape. Since it is native to the tropics and vulnerable to cold, it is cultivated in greenhouses in Japan. “Musa balbisiana” grows naturally in Okinawa Prefecture, and the fiber is taken from the sheath and woven into Bashofu.
