Heartleaf False Pickerelweed raises the flower stalk above the water, and it blooms in the morning and wilts in the evening. The flower has five stamens extending upward, one extending downward, and a pistil extending downward.
【英名】Heartleaf False Pickerelweed
【学名】Monochoria korsakowii
【誕生】08/ 29
【開花】08, 09, 10月

Heartleaf False Pickerelweed
Heartleaf False Pickerelweed is an annual plant belonging to the Pontederiaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and overseas, it is distributed in Russia, the Korean Peninsula, and China. In the past, the young buds and leaves were edible as ingredients for soups and marinated dishes. In Kampo medicine, it became a crude drug “long rain flower” and was used for high fever and asthma.
The rhizome of Heartleaf False Pickerelweed crawls on the ground, and the stem and petiole are soft and porous. The leaves have long petioles, thick leaf blades, and are glossy. The origin of the Japanese name “Water Asarum” is also because the stems and petioles extend in and above the water, and the leaves are heart-shaped, resembling “Asarum caulescens” and “Asarum nipponicum” of the Aristolochiaceae family. Since ancient times, it has been popularly called “green onion” or “water onion”.
Heartleaf False Pickerelweed raises the flower stalk above the water, blooms in the morning and wilts in the evening. There are 6 stamens, 5 of which have yellow anthers that extend upward, and the remaining one has purple anthers that extend to the lower right or lower left. Because of this unique stamen shape, the Latin genus name Monochoria means “one apart”.
The pistil of Heartleaf False Pickerelweed also extends downward, but if the stamen extending downward extends to the left, it extends to the right. This is because flower-visiting insects use the stamens that grow downwards as a foothold, receive the pollen from the stamens that grow upwards on the right or left side of the back, and pass the pollen on the opposite side to the pistil. It is a mechanism that promotes distant mating of genes.
The fruit of Heartleaf False Pickerelweed is a capsule, but it does not disperse the seeds immediately after ripening. The flower stalk falls down when the fruit ripens, and the fruit drifts away from the parent plant, where it releases the seed. Seeds also do not germinate quickly. It can’t grow while tall plants such as reeds are thriving, so it hides in the soil and germinate after they decline.
A close relative of Heartleaf False Pickerelweed “Monochoria vaginalis” has a small plant height and flowers, but looks just like Heartleaf False Pickerelweed. Monochoria vaginalis was a harmful weed for paddy rice production, so it was exterminated with herbicides. However, that herbicide was also effective against Heartleaf False Pickerelweed, and Infrastructure development of paddy fields also made it decline. It is now designated as an endangered species in various places.