Rough Potato flowers are deeply five-lobed and star-shaped, with dense soft hairs growing inside. Five stamens are joined together and a pistil protrudes. When the capsule ripens, it splits open, and the coma emerges and dances in the wind.
【英名】Rough Potato
【学名】Metaplexis japonica
【誕生】07/ 18, 08/ 26
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink, Purple




Rough Potato

Rough Potato is a vine-like perennial plant of the Apocynaceae family. It is found in Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and overseas in the Korean Peninsula and China. It grows naturally in sunny, well-drained areas of the mountains and fields. The fluffy coma that dances in the wind after the flower is said to be the true identity of the mysterious ball of fuzz “angel hair” that brings happiness to those who see it.
The Japanese name for Rough Potato means “Gaga Potato.” The origin of Gaga is uncertain. Potato is not an underground stem, but the appearance of the capsule is similar. It is also known as “Milk Weed” because a white liquid oozes out when the leaves are damaged.
Rough Potato’s underground stem grows thick and long. The vine grows by twisting to the right. The leaves are long oval with pointed tips and grow opposite each other. The flowers are deep, star-shaped with five lobes, and are densely covered with soft hairs on the inside. The five stamens are fused together, and the pistil protrudes. The capsule that grows after the flower is spindle-shaped with protrusions on the surface, and when ripe, it splits open, releasing the fluffy seeds that are blown away by the wind.
Rough Potato is used as a traditional Chinese medicine, with the leaves used to detoxify and the seeds used to strengthen the body. In folk medicine, the leaves are used to treat insect bites and swelling, and the seeds to stop bleeding from cuts. For food, the young shoots are used in blanched dishes and salads, and the young fruits are used in tempura and pickles. The rhizomes, on the other hand, cannot be used because they are poisonous.