Saucer Magnolia was made by crossing “Magnolia liliiflora” and “Magnolia denudata”. Japanese name of it means that white flowers with red make you think of sarasa pattern dyeing on cotton.
【仮名】サラサモクレン, ニシキモクレン
【和名】更紗木蓮, 錦木蓮
【英名】Saucer Magnolia
【学名】Magnolia x soulangeana
【誕生】03/ ??
【開花】03, 04月

Saucer Magnolia
Saucer Magnolia is a deciduous small tree of the Magnoliaceae family. It was created in 1820 by French botanist Etienne Soulange-Bodin bred this plant by crossbreeding “Magnolia liliiflora” and “Magnolia denudata”. It spread all over the world because the flowers are beautiful and endure both heat and cold. While many varieties are bred, there are also natural hybrids in China.
Japanese name of it means that white flowers with red make you think of sarasa pattern dyeing on cotton. It looks like a beautiful fabric, so it is also called “Nishiki magnolia”. The Latin genus name Magnolia is a dedication to French botanist Pierre Magnoll, and the specific name Soulangeana is a dedication to the breeder Etienne Soulange-Bodin.
Saucer Magnolia grows taller and spreads out sideways. The bark is whitish gray and smooth, and the leaves are obovate with pointed tips and alternate. The flowers bloom after Magnolia denudata and before Magnolia liliiflora. The outer lower part of the perianth is light red and has 9 pieces. It ranges from almost white to almost red. After flowering, the pouched fruit splits when ripe, exposing the vermilion seeds.
The white color of Saucer Magnolia comes from the deciduous tall tree of the Magnoliaceae family “Magnolia denudata”. The fragrant flowers are half-opened upward before the leaves grow in mid-spring. The specific epithet Denudata means “naked”, because when the pods ripen, they split open to expose the seeds inside. The language of flowers is “solemn”, “sublime”, and “mercy”.
The red color of Saucer Magnolia comes from the deciduous shrub of the Magnoliaceae family “Magnolia liliiflora”. In ancient China, it was planted in the gardens of the imperial court, and was brought to Japan for medicinal purposes in ancient times. The specific epithet Liliiflora means “lily-like flower”. The language of flowers is “love for nature” and “benefit”.