The Resurrection lily is a member of the cluster amaryllis, but the cluster amaryllis has red flowers on the equinoctial week, and the Resurrection lily has pink flowers on the Bon festival.
【仮名】ナツズイセン, ハダカユリ
【和名】夏水仙, 裸百合
【英名】Resurrection Lily, Pink Ladies, Magic Lily
【学名】Lycoris squamigera
【誕生】08/ 22

Resurrection Lily
Resurrection lily is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Lycoris in the family Amaryllidaceae. The place of origin is a naturalized plant that came to Japan for a long time in China. Distribution is from Honshu to Kyushu. It grows in the mountains and roadsides near human settlements and prefers the shade of trees.
The name Natsuzuisen comes from the fact that it produces daffodil-like leaves from autumn to spring and blooms in summer. It is also called “naked lily” because it has flowers and no leaves, and it is not a daffodil but a member of the cluster amaryllis in botanical terms.
Resurrection lily and cluster amaryllis have in common that flowers and leaves are not aligned at the same time. On the other hand, the leaves of cluster amaryllis grow after the flowers are finished, and the flowers of resurrection lily bloom after the leaves die.
The cluster amaryllis blooms on the equinoctial week, and the resurrection lily blooms on the Bon festival. Perhaps it is a flower that welcomes the deceased, Resurrection lily has flower words such as “deep compassion,” “sad memories,” and “fun.”