テッポウユリ / Easter Lily

テッポウユリ / Easter Lily Backyard
テッポウユリ / Easter Lily


Easter Lily flowers bloom sideways at the tip of the stem, and their shape is tubular and funnel-shaped. The flower has 3 outer perianths and 3 inner perianths and is fragrant. The language of flower is purity, sweetness and majesty.

【英名】Easter Lily, Trumpet Lily
【学名】Lilium longiflorum
【誕生】07/ 13
【開花】06, 07, 08月

Lilium longiflorum - flower from left
Lilium longiflorum – flower from left
Lilium longiflorum - flower from right
Lilium longiflorum – flower from right
Lilium longiflorum - buds and leaves
Lilium longiflorum – buds and leaves
Lilium longiflorum - flowers and leaves
Lilium longiflorum – flowers and leaves












Easter Lily

Easter Lily is a perennial plant of the Liliaceae family. The place of origin is the Nansei Islands of Japan, where it grows naturally on cliffs near the coast where there is sunlight, ventilation, and good drainage. In addition to being cultivated in gardens and pots for ornamental purposes, cut flowers are used for ceremonial occasions. The bulbs are also used as ointments for bruises. The language of flower is “purity”, “sweetness”, and “majesty”.

Easter Lily’s Japanese name means “gun lily”. This is because the flower is tubular and resembles an old “gun”. The Japanese name of lily comes from the fact that the large flowers sway in the wind. The kanji for lily means a bulb with many overlapping scales. The Latin genus name Lilium means “white” and the species longiflorum means “long-shaped flower”.

The bulb of Easter Lily is rounded with overlapping white scales. The stem is rigid, and the leaves are broad lanceolate and alternate. The flower blooms sideways at the tip of the stem and is funnel-shaped. The perianth has 3 outer and 3 inner tepals, and is fragrant. There are 6 stamens, and the pistil has a 3-lobed stigma. The post-flowering capsule splits when ripe and scatters the seeds.

Easter Lily’s relative “Lilium formosanum” is native to Taiwan. The flowers are slightly larger, have pale purple streaks, and bloom slightly downward. There is another name “Narrow-leaved Easter Lily” because the leaves are thin. Hybrids of longiflorum and formosanum have pure white flowers but thin leaves, and if the crossing is repeated, it becomes impossible to distinguish from the appearance.

Easter Lily propagated from its native Japan to Europe and the United States in the 19th century. Church altars then displayed Easter Lily instead of “Madonna Lily”. As a result, the West Coast of the United States became a major production area for Easter Lily. In Christianity, there is a legend that white flowers bloomed in the Garden of Gethsemane after Jesus was crucified.
