Taiwanese Lily is similar to Easter lily, but taller, with thicker stems and thinner leaves. The flowers are a little large, with lilac streaks and bloom slightly downward.
【仮名】タカサゴユリ, ホソバテッポウユリ
【和名】高砂百合, 細葉鉄炮百合
【英名】Taiwanese Lily
【学名】Lilium formosanum
【誕生】08/ 09, 11/ 18
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月

Taiwanese Lily
Taiwanese lily is a subgenus of Easter lily. The Japanese name is derived from Takasago, the old name of Taiwan, the place of origin. It was introduced into Japan as a horticultural species and naturalized, and is widely distributed from the coastline to the lowlands and alpine zones.
Taiwanese lily is similar to Easter lily, but has slightly larger flowers, light purple streaks, and blooms slightly downward. The length is generally large and the stem is thick. Because the leaves are thin, it is also called the Hosoba Easter lily.
Taiwanese lily easily crosses with Easter lilies. The hybrid is also called the new Easter lily, and although the flowers are pure white, the leaves are thin and tall. If the crosses are repeated, it will not be possible to distinguish from the appearance.
Taiwanese lily has a lot of seeds and is carried by the wind. Once the seeds are rooted, the bulbs are enriched with just a few leaves. Therefore, the stems suddenly grow on the forest floor that has become temporarily bright due to logging, and large flowers bloom.
Taiwanese lily grows in clusters even in wasteland if the growing conditions are met, and many flowers bloom. However, since continuous cropping disorders are likely to occur, they may disappear suddenly … On the other hand, the seeds ride on the wind toward a new wilderness.