The golden-rayed lily is a perennial plant native to Japan. The flowers are white, large and conspicuous, giving off a strong fragrance. Bulbs are edible and are also used as crude drugs.
【仮名】ヤマユリ, リョウリユリ
【和名】山百合, 料理百合
【英名】Golden-rayed Lily, Gold-banded Lily
【学名】Lilium auratum
【誕生】06/ 30, 07/ 21
【開花】07, 08月

Golden-rayed Lily
The golden-rayed lily belongs to the genus Lily of the Liliaceae family and is a perennial plant native to Japan. It is distributed north of the Kinki region of Honshu, excluding the Hokuriku region, and grows naturally in the mountains, forest edges of mountains, and grasslands. The flowers are white, large and conspicuous, giving off a strong fragrance.
The golden-rayed lily is also called a cooking lily because its bulbs are edible. Depending on the region, Yuri Yoshino, Yuri Yoshino, Yuri Eiyama, Yuri Houraiji, Yuri Horaiji, etc. It can be said that it is a plant that has been familiar to us for a long time.
The flowers of the golden-rayed lily are so large that the entire stem tilts like a bow due to the weight, and it is characterized by a sweet and rich scent. It begins to bloom more than 5 years after germination, and the older the plant, the more it blooms. From its gorgeous and splendid appearance, it is also called the “King of Lilies”.
Golden-rayed lily bulbs were a valuable export product until the Taisho era. When introduced at the Vienna World’s Fair in 1873, it attracted attention and was heavily used as a mother strain of cultivars. The improved varieties are called Oriental Hybrids.
The bulbs of the golden-rayed lily are eaten as “lily roots”. Bulbs contain a large amount of glucomannan, which is a type of polysaccharide. It seems that it was already edible in the Jomon period. When boiled well, it becomes paste-like and delicious.
Golden-rayed lily bulbs are herbal medicines that are effective in antitussive, tonic, and protecting the oral cavity and gastric mucosa. Coughing when warming up, insomnia when there is a slight fever or palpitation, etc. It is said that dry powder should be kneaded with vinegar and pasted.
There are many flower words in the golden-rayed lily. “Majestic” and “dignity” in the form of gorgeous flowers, “undecorated beauty” and “undecorated love” from blooming in the mountains, “enjoyment of life” with the joy of finding them, and “innocence” from the whiteness of the flowers.