メハジキ / Chinese Motherwort

メハジキ / Chinese Motherwort Backyard
メハジキ / Chinese Motherwort


Chinese Motherwort has small pale pink lip-shaped flowers that grow in whorls. The Japanese name means “playing with the eyes”. This is because children in the past used to cut the elastic stems short, hold them between their eyelids, and play with them.

【仮名】メハジキ, ヤクモソウ
【和名】目弾き, 益母草
【英名】Chinese Motherwort
【学名】Leonurus japonicus
【誕生】07/ ??
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple



メハジキ:花 / Chinese Motherwort - Flowers
メハジキ:花 / Chinese Motherwort – Flowers



メハジキ:花と上方の茎生葉 / Chinese Motherwort - Flowers and upper stem leaves
メハジキ:花と上方の茎生葉 / Chinese Motherwort – Flowers and upper stem leaves



メハジキ:下方の茎生葉 / Chinese Motherwort - Lower stem leaves
メハジキ:下方の茎生葉 / Chinese Motherwort – Lower stem leaves



メハジキ:花を近くから / Chinese Motherwort - Flowers from up close
メハジキ:花を近くから / Chinese Motherwort – Flowers from up close


Chinese Motherwort

メハジキ:花を遠くから / Chinese Motherwort - Flowers from a distance
メハジキ:花を遠くから / Chinese Motherwort – Flowers from a distance

Chinese Motherwort is an annual or perennial plant in the Lamiaceae family. It is widely distributed in Japan from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and overseas from East Asia to Southeast Asia and South Asia, and has also grown wild in Africa and the Americas. In sunny fields and roadsides, small pale pink lip-shaped flowers grow in whorls at the nodes at the end of the stem.
The Japanese name for Chinese Motherwort means “playing with the eyes”. This is because children in the past used to cut the elastic stems short, hold them between their eyelids, and play with them. It also has another name that means “medicinal herb for mothers”. The Latin genus name Leonurus means “lion’s tail” and comes from the shape of the leaves.
Chinese Motherwort stems are four-ridged and upright, densely covered with fine hairs. The basal leaves are long-stalked and deeply incised palmately. The stem leaves are opposite and the incisions become shallower and more elongated towards the top. The flowers are labiate with a rounded upper lip, a three-lobed lower lip, four stamens, and two-lobed pistils. There is a pointed bracteolet beneath the flower. After flowering, a wedge-shaped quarto fruit forms.
Chinese Motherwort is made into herbal medicine by drying the cut stems and leaves indoors and chopping them. It contains alkaloids and flavonoids, and is used in a decoction to treat menstrual irregularities before and after childbirth, menstrual pain, dizziness, and urinary retention. Dried mature seeds are also used as herbal medicine. They are used for swelling, eye disorders, and urinary retention.
