Kalmia flowers are pentagonal and have a speckled pattern on the inside. Buds shaped like Konpeito grow radially from the tip of the branch and bloom one by one as if opening the umbrella inside out.
【仮名】カルミア, ハナガサシャクナゲ
【英名】Kalmia, Calico Bush
【学名】Kalmia latifolia
【誕生】02/ 11, 02/ 20, 04/ 27, 04/ 30, 05/ 24
【開花】04, 05, 06月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple

Kalmia is an evergreen tree of the family Ericaceae. Seven species are distributed from North America to Cuba. They wera introduced to Japan in the 4th year of the Taisho era. When the Mayor of Tokyo donated Sakura to the United States for goodwill, it was given with dogwood in return. However, cultivation began to spread from the end of the Showa 30’s.
The genus name of Kalmia is derived from Peter Calm, who studied under the Swedish botanist Linne and conducted research and collection in North America. Of these, the Latifolia species, which is widely known in horticulture, is native to eastern North America. The Japanese names are “American Rhododendron” and “Western Rhododendron”, but Rhododendron is a distant genus of azaleas.
In Kalmia, buds shaped like Konpeito radiate from the tips of the branches, and the flowers bloom one by one as if opening an umbrella inside out. The corolla is pentagonal and has a speckled pattern on the inside of the tepal. The anther at the tip of the stamen is usually in close contact with the pattern, but when a visiting insect arrives, it reverses and attaches pollen to the back.
Kalmia’s flower language is “graceful woman,” “big hope,” “refreshing smile,” “lively family,” etc. These are because beautifully patterned flowers are gathered and blooming. On the other hand, there are also flower words such as “betrayal” and “ambition”. These are because the leaves contain toxic components and are also known as “Lambkill”.