In the Edo period, Morning glory was developed with breeding techniques such as varieties and parent trees, and many strains such as Changing Morning Glory, which are rich in flower color and peduncle and Large-flowered Morning Glory were created.
【仮名】アサガオ, ケンギュウカ
【和名】朝顔, 牽牛花, 蕣
【英名】Morning Glory
【学名】Ipomoea nil
【誕生】07/ 06, 08/ 01, 08/ 06
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue
Morning Glory
Morning glory is a climbing annual plant of the Convolvulaceae family. The place of origin is Himalayan-China, tropical Asia, tropical America, etc. The flowers are funnel-shaped, with ribs called “Yoh” running in the middle of each of the five petals.
The morning glory was introduced to Japan at the end of the Nara period. The envoy to Tang brought back the seeds as a crude drug. Seeds cultivated in cultivation can be used as laxatives and diuretics. It was also used to repel insects by rubbing the leaves and putting them in the toilet.
In the Edo period, morning glory had a fertile line “Masaki” that does not mutate, a sterile line “Demono” that is easily mutated, and a fertility line “Oyaki” that does not express hereditary traits while retaining the genes of the product that produces variegated flowers.
It seems that people in the Edo period empirically recognized Mendel’s laws through the morning glory. Masaki is a combination of dominant genes and Demono is a combination of recessive genes. Oyaki is a combination of both genes.
Morning glory has also become larger due to mutation. The number of Yoh is usually five, but the mutation “Suhama”, which increases to six to nine, creates a line with a large flower diameter. “Aosemiha” and “Kisemiha” were cultivated.
Since the morning glory’s Aosemiha grows quickly, it is used for “andon making” where vines are entwined around the pillars, and for the Kisemiha, it is used for “bonyo making” and “several blooming making” where many flowers bloom at once. Was tailored to.
Morning glory is rich in flower colors such as white, red, peach, purple, and blue, but yellow and black are phantom morning glories. In breeding without genetic engineering, “Ukon” and “Getkyuden” are varieties that are close to yellow, and “Kokuoh” are varieties that are close to black.