ツリフネソウ / Touch Me Not

ツリフネソウ / Touch Me Not Backyard
ツリフネソウ / Touch Me Not


The origin of the Japanese name of Touch Me Not is that the shape of the flower resembles a boat. The English name means “don’t touch me”. This is because when the seeds are ripe, they pop and scatter.

【仮名】ツリフネソウ, ムラサキツリフネ
【和名】釣船草, 吊舟草, 紫釣船
【英名】Touch Me Not
【学名】Impatiens textorii
【誕生】09/ 19, 10/ 27
【開花】08, 09, 10月













Touch Me Not

Touch me not is an annual plant of the family Impatiens textori, and is a member of the genus Impatiens with more than 900 species. It is distributed in East Asia and can be found from Japan to the Korean Peninsula, China, and southeastern Russia. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, from low mountains to mountains. It grows naturally in dimly lit places such as on moist waters.

The name of Touch me not is derived from the shape of a flower that resembles a hanging boat or the shape of a flower that resembles a fishing boat. The English name means “don’t touch me”. This is because when the seeds are ripe, they pop and spread like scattering. The yellow flowers of related species are called “touch-me-not” and the white flowers are called “white-me-not”.

Touch me not has elongated inflorescences extending from the axils and blooms like red-purple flowers hanging down. The flowers have 3 lip-shaped petals and 3 petal-shaped calyxes. One of the calyxes is a large bag with a long cylindrical distance. Nectar accumulates in this distance, and large bees and bee flies prefer to gather and mediate pollen.

Touch-me-not squirrels that have similar flower shapes to those of Touch me not and are clustered in similar places. The difference from Touch me not is that the flowers are yellow and the tips of the distances that extend behind the flowers are not spiral. The leaves are similarly jagged, but slightly rounded oval. Like other Impatiens textori, the flowers reach under the leaves.

The flower language of Touch me not is “Don’t touch me.” This is the same as the English name, because the seeds pop, but be careful not to be misunderstood by the gift of flowers. Also, “resting” and “comfort”, as well as “expectations” and “poetic love”, named after the shape of a flower like a boat. In waka poems, it is written as a seasonal word from late summer to autumn.
