Geranium krameri grows naturally in sunny fields and forest edges. The flowers have pale purple petals with dark purple veins. The flower language is “trust,” “friendship,” and “bonds.”
【英名】Geranium krameri
【学名】Geranium krameri
【誕生】07/ 27
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】Pink, Purple




Geranium krameri

Geranium krameri is a perennial plant of the Geraniaceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from the southern Tohoku region of Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu, and overseas to the Korean Peninsula, northeastern China, and Primorsky Krai in Russia. It grows naturally in sunny fields and forest edges. The flowers have pale purple petals with dark purple veins. The flower language is “trust,” “friendship,” and “bonds.”
The Japanese name of Geranium krameri means “a grass with upright stems that grows in a grass-cutting area surrounded by trees.” The Latin genus name Geranium means “crane,” because the capsule resembles a beak. The specific name krameri is a tribute to Carl Kramer, a German who collected the plant in Japan during the Meiji period.
The stems of Geranium krameri are densely covered with coarse hairs. The plant lies flat at the base, but rises from the middle. The leaves are palmate with 5-7 deep lobes, and each lobe is further divided into 3 lobes. There are two types of leaves: basal leaves with petioles, and opposite leaves without petioles, and the tops and bottoms of the leaves are densely covered with coarse hairs. The flower has 5 sepals, 5 petals, 10 stamens, and 5-lobed pistil. After flowering, a long, slender capsule faces upward.
The closely related species “soboliferum”, which looks similar to Geranium krameri, has large flowers with a dark color. “yesoense” has narrow petals and light-colored veins. “lobulatum” has shallow petal tips with 3 lobes. On the other hand, the closely related species “sibiricum”, “tripartitum”, and “shikokianum”, which have similar uses as herbal medicines to krameri, are used to treat diarrhea, constipation, and intestinal regulation.