スノードロップ / Snowdrop

スノードロップ / Snowdrop Backyard
スノードロップ / Snowdrop


Snowdrop flower has long been a symbol of purity. Its name comes from the pearl earrings that were popular in Germany in the 16th and 17th centuries.

【仮名】スノードロップ, ガランサス, マツユキソウ
【誕生】01/ 01, 01/ 07, 01/ 16, 02/ 02, 02/ 26
【開花】01, 02, 03, 11, 12月

Galanthus - From above
Galanthus – From above
Galanthus - From the side
Galanthus – From the side
Galanthus - From below up close
Galanthus – From below up close
Galanthus - From the side up close
Galanthus – From the side up close













Snowdrop is a perennial plant belonging to the family Amaryllidaceae. It is native to Europe and West Asia. Its name comes from the pearl earrings that were popular in Germany in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Latin genus name Galanthus means “milk-white flower”. It came to Japan at the beginning of the Meiji era.

From winter to spring, Snowdrop extends linear leaves and stems from underground bulbs, and one flower blooms downward at the tip. The corolla is bell-shaped with 3 large outer tepals and 3 small inner tepals. “Snowflake” of the genus Leucojum, which has a similar shape, stretches its stem from spring to summer and blooms multiple flowers at the tip.

The small Snowdrop species “Galanthus nivalis” grew naturally in Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, etc., and spread throughout Europe. Nivalis means “snow” in Latin, and the English name is “Common Snowdrop”. There is also a double-flowered variety “Flore Pleno” and a large-flowered variety “Atkinsii”.

The large snowdrop species “Galanthus elwesii” grows naturally in Turkey. It has large bulbs and is drought tolerant. Elwesii is derived from the 19th century English botanist Henry John Elwes, and the English name is “Giant Snowdrop”. It is popular in Japan and has a Japanese name “Oh Matsu Yuki Sou”.

Snowdrop has an anecdote that when Eve, who had been driven out of paradise, was grieving over the empty winter snowfields, an angel appeared and comforted her by transforming the falling snow into lovely flowers. The language of flowers is “hope” and “comfort”. In Europe, it has long been cultivated in monasteries as a flower that symbolizes purity and as a flower for Candlemas.
