Winter Aconite is native to Japan. The Japanese name means “flower of the last day of winter”. On the last day of winter, the Japanese wish for a wonderful spring. The Latin genus name Eranthis also means “spring flower”.
【英名】Winter Aconite
【学名】Eranthis pinnatifida
【誕生】01/ 23, 02/ 01, 02/ 02, 02/ 03
【開花】02, 03月

Winter Aconite
Winter Aconite is a perennial plant of Ranunculaceae family. Originating in Japan, it is distributed in limestone areas west of the Kanto region, and grows in colonies in deciduous forests that receive sunlight in winter. It sprouts at the end of autumn and spends the winter, blooms at the beginning of spring, bears fruit, dies off the stems and leaves in the summer and goes dormant. It is in decline due to the expansion of evergreen coniferous forests and overexploitation.
The Japanese name of Winter Aconite means “flower of the last day of winter”. On the last day of winter, the Japanese wish for a wonderful spring. The Latin genus name Eranthis means “spring flower”. It blooms on the forest floor where there are few flowers, as the language of flowers is “elegance”, “brightness” and “smile”. The species name Pinnatifida means “pinnate middle cleft”. Derived from the involucral bracts below the corolla.
Winter Aconite grows short roots from dark brown round tubers. Palm-like involucral bracts are whorled at the tip of the stem, and the flower stalk extends from the center. The corolla has five white sepals that look like petals. The light red pistil is surrounded by stamens with bluish-purple anthers, and yellow nectars are arranged around them to attract insects.
The related species of Winter Aconite, “Eranthis byunsanensis”, has large plant height and flowers. The yellow-flowered Eranthis genus includes “Eranthis hyemalis”, which is native to the European Alps, “Eranthis cilicica”, which is native to the mountainous regions of Greece and Syria, and “Eranthis longistipitata”, which is native to the mountainous regions of Central Asia.