The flower shape of Echinacea is characterized by rounded tubular flowers in the middle of the flower and hanging ray-shaped flowers lined up around the flower. Flower language is “heal your pain”.
【仮名】エキナセア, ムラサキバレンギク
【英名】Echinacea, Purple Coneflower
【誕生】06/ 21, 08/ 20, 10/ 07
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Green, Yellow, Orange

Echinacea is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. The original species is distributed in the central and eastern parts of North America, and was introduced to Europe as an ornamental flower and as a medicinal herb for folk remedies. It is cold-resistant and grows vigorously, so it can be used as a flower bed, and as it has a long flower life, it can be used as a cut flower. Because of its unique flower shape, it is also used for flower arrangements and dried flowers.
The name Echinacea comes from the Latin echinos, which means “hedgehog”. This is because the tubular flowers in the middle of the flower grows round with time, and its shape resembles a hedgehog. In addition, the Japanese name comes from the ‘Baren’ of ‘Matoi’ which was banner used by town firefighters in the Edo period. This is because the ray flowers that line the flower droop over time.
Flower shape of Echinacea and Rudbeckia are similar though both genus are different. Therefore, it can be roughly distinguished if the ligulate flower is yellow, it is Rudbeckia, and if it is not yellow, it is Echinacea. However, since Echinacea also has yellow-flowered species, it cannot be distinguished by flower color alone.
Echinacea species are classified by the flower color of the ligulate flower. Red-purple purpurea, white alva, yellow paradoxa. There are also Angustifolia and Tenesensis species with thin leaves. In addition, breed improvement has increased the number of flower colors, and double flowers have also appeared. Even dwarf species that are easy to handle are now distributed.
Echinacea was used by Native Americans as a remedy for toothache, wounds, colds, and detoxification. Since the 1930s, it had spread as a folk remedy in Europe, mainly in Germany. The flower language is also “heal your pain”. It is believed to activate the immune system and prevent infections, but the scientific evidence is not well understood.