Dombeya blooms flowers similar to hydrangeas and self-pollinates, but for some reason, the base of the petals is full of nectar and emits a fragrance that attracts many insects.
【英名】Dombeya, Pink Ball
【誕生】11/ ??
【開花】01, 02, 03, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple

Dombeya is an evergreen tree of the Malvaceae family. It is native to Africa and named after the 18th-century French botanist Joseph Dombey. Although the leaves resemble those of paulownia, they are jagged edges and alternate. Paulownia is a deciduous tree of the Paulowniaceae family, and their leaves are entire edges and opposite. Even in Japan, it can be planted in the ground in warm areas, and blooms similar to hydrangeas.
The flower of Dombeya has five petals, and the pistil is surrounded by long and short stamens. Long stamens receive pollen from short stamens and pass it to pistils for self-pollination. Although it does not cross-pollinate in this way, for some reason, the base of the petals is full of nectar and emits a fragrance that attracts many insects.
“Dombeya wallichii” is vulnerable to winter cold, so it is grown in pots in Japan. The origin is Madagascar Island off the southeastern coast of Africa, and the species name comes from the Danish botanist Nathaniel Wallich. The flowers are dark pink, round and densely blooming, so there are English names such as “Pink Ball”.
“Dombeya burgesiae” is resistant to the cold of winter, and can be planted outdoors in warm climates even in Japan. It is native to eastern and southern Africa, and the species name comes from Miss Burgess of England. The flowers have a white corolla with pink in the center, and bloom in a round cluster.