Winter Daphne produces flower buds in the fall, passes the winter, and blooms one by one and form a ball in the spring. The calyx tubes look like petals. It is a representative fragrant tree of spring.
【仮名】ジンチョウゲ, チンチョウゲ, ズイコウ
【和名】沈丁花, 瑞香
【英名】Winter Daphne
【学名】Daphne odora
【誕生】02/ 10, 02/ 23, 03/ 15, 03/ 18, 12/ 15
【開花】02, 03, 04月
【花色】White, Pink

Winter Daphne
Winter Daphne is an evergreen shrub of the Thymelaeaceae family. It is believed to have once grown naturally in China, and was introduced to Japan in the Muromachi period. It is a dioecious plant, but male plants are brought in and spread to various places, and female plants are few. “Winter Daphne” in spring, “Gardenia” in summer, “Osmanthus” in autumn, and “Winter Sweet” in winter are typical fragrant trees of the four seasons.
The Japanese name of Winter Daphne is combinations of the initials of the fragrant genus Aquilaria “Agarwood” and the Myrtaceae family “Clove” , and “flower”. The Chinese name means “beautiful scent”. The Latin genus name Daphne is the name of the fairy who turned into a “laurel tree” in Greek mythology, and the species name Odora means “fragrant”.
The leaves of Winter Daphne are long, elliptical, glossy, and alternate. It produces flower buds in the fall, passes the winter, and blooms one by one and form a ball in the spring. The calyx tubes that look like petals have 4 cleft tips ,and there are eight stamens. Although it rarely bears fruit in Japan, where there are only male plants, the fruit is a drupe and when ripe, it turns red and has a pungent taste.
Winter Daphne is bewitching, the outside of the flower is reddish purple, and the inside is white. “Rosacea” is pretty because the outside of the flower is pale pink, “Alba” is neat and clean because the outside and inside of the flower are white, “Marginata” has yellowish white spots irregularly on the edge of the leaves, and “The fruitful” bears fruit with a bisexual flower whose function has been restored.
The whole tree of Winter Daphne is toxic, especially the fruits and sap contain a large amount of “daphnetin”. Accidental ingestion of the fruit can cause stomatitis and gastritis, and contact of the sap with the skin can lead to inflammation and blisters. On the other hand, the flower language is “glory”, “immortality” and “eternity” because it always keeps green leaves.