The Japanese name of Turmeric comes from the Chinese name and originally meant “bright golden color”. It has fountain-like greenish-white bracts and pale yellow tubular flowers.
【学名】Curcuma longa
【誕生】07/ 20, 08/ 22
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Green, Yellow





Turmeric is a perennial plant of the Zingiberaceae family. It has been cultivated in India for over 3,000 years and was introduced to Japan in the middle of the Edo period. It is also called “autumn Turmeric” because it has fountain-like greenish-white bracts in autumn. The rhizome is rich in curcumin and was used as a herbal medicine for stomachic and cholesteatotic purposes, and as a spice for seasoning and coloring.
The Japanese name of Turmeric comes from the Chinese name and originally meant “bright golden color”. It is also called “yellow-dyed grass” because it was used as a dye. The English name means “sacred earth” in Latin. The Latin genus name Curcuma means “yellow” and the specific name longa means “long”, both of which refer to the rhizome.
Turmeric has fleshy rhizomes that branch vigorously. The rhizomes are orange-yellow and fragrant. The leaves are alternate, with long petioles and oblong leaf blades. The flowers are pale yellow tubular flowers that grow with overlapping green-white bracts. The tubular flowers have three outer perianths that enclose three inner perianths. What look like petals are the lip petals that originate from the stamens.
A close relative of Turmeric, “Curcuma aromatica,” is also called “Spring Turmeric” because it grows pink bracts in spring. The rhizomes are yellow and bitter, and contain both curcumin and essential oil components. “Curcuma zedoaria” is also called “Summer Turmeric” because it grows white bracts bordered with pink in summer. The rhizomes are blue-purple, fragrant and bitter, and rich in essential oil components.