Montbretia bright orange flowers that bloom in order are very eye-catching when the sky is covered with clouds and it continues to rain.
【仮名】ヒメヒオウギズイセン, クロコスミア, モントブレチア
【英名】Montbretia, Crocosmia
【学名】Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora
【誕生】06/ 25, 08/ 06, 08/ 15, 08/ 24, 09/ 04
【開花】07, 08月

Montbretia is a member of the genus Crocosmia aureus in the family Iridaceae, and is a hybrid of Crocosmia aureus and Coppertips.
Montbretia vulgaris has excellent cold resistance and fertility, so it has become wild in various places such as wastelands and shades, from dry areas to wetlands. The bulbs sprout and grow every year. Because it is so easy to grow, it has been designated as an import-restricted species in Saga Prefecture, and cultivation is prohibited.
However, when the sky is covered with thick clouds and it rains endlessly, the bright orange flowers that bloom in order are very eye-catching.
In addition, although it is not standard medical treatment, there is a tradition that the bulbs (rhizomes) of Montbretia communis have the effect of suppressing tumors.
The flower language of Montbretia is “cheerful”. Under the overcast rainy season, you can hear the lively laughter of the flowers.