Crinum has expanded its distribution from Africa, where it originated, to various places, with seeds floating on water and salt-tolerant bulbs riding on ocean currents. The flowers are similar in shape to lilies and have a fragrance.
【仮名】クリナム, ハマオモト, ハマユウ
【和名】浜万年青, 浜木綿
【誕生】07/ 06, 07/ 17, 07/ 31, 08/ 01, 08/ 02, 08/ 27
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple
Crinum is a perennial plant of the Amaryllidaceae family. The place of origin is Africa, and seeds floating on water and salt-tolerant bulbs ride on ocean currents and expand their distribution. There are African, Asian, and American descent. The origin of the Japanese name is that the leaves are similar to “Rohdea”, and the origin of the scientific name is that the flowers are similar to “lilies”. The flowers have a fragrance.
Crinum “Asiaticum” is widely distributed from South Asia to East Asia. In Japan, it grows naturally from Chiba prefecture to Kochi prefecture of the Pacific side, the coast of Kyushu, and Yamaguchi prefecture of the Sea of Japan side. The flower has 6 tepals, is white and elongated, and curls irregularly. Since it resembles the white cloth “Yuh” used in Shinto ritual, it is called “Hama yuh”.
Crinum “bulbispermum” came to Japan in the early Showa period. The flower is similar to “Easter lily” and is a pure white 6-petaled flower. It was called “latifolium” for a while after the transfer, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding later. Although the appearance is similar, latifolium has a dark pink streak in the middle of the petals.
There are many hybrids in Crinum. “Crinum asiaticum” is an interspecific hybrid between the South African species “moorei” and “bulbispermum”. The flowers range from white to pink to magenta. “Amacrinum” is an intergeneric hybrid of “moorei” and “amaryllis belladonna”. The pale pink flowers come in bloom.