Pampas Grass is so big that it is also called “ghost grass” in Japanese. The feather-like flower spikes are beautiful, and it is also used for flower arrangements and dried flowers.
【仮名】シロガネヨシ, パンパスグラス
【英名】Pampas Grass
【学名】Cortaderia selloana
【誕生】09/ 06
【開花】08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink

Pampas Grass
Pampas Grass is a perennial plant of Poaceae family. The place of origin is Brazil, Argentina and Chile in South America, and it was brought to Japan in the middle of the Meiji era. It is dioecious and has beautiful feather-like flower spikes. The flowers are long-lasting, so cut flowers are used for flower arrangements and dried flowers.
The origin of the name “white silver reed” which is Pampas Grass in Japanese is that the flower spikes are silvery white reeds. The English name pampas grass means “grass of the great plains of South America”. The genus name Cortaderia comes from the Spanish word for “cutter”, because the edges of the leaves are sharp enough to hurt when touched. The species name Selloana is a dedication to the German botanist Friedrich Sellow.
Pampas Grass is so big that it is also called “ghost grass” in Japanese. The leaves grow densely from the base and are elongated, and some have patterns. The flower spikes are slender on the male and fluffy on the female. It can be propagated not only by division but also by seeds, but the color and shape of the spikes will vary. They are vulnerable to the cold, so it is necessary to protect against the cold northern than the Kanto region.
Small varieties of Pampas Grass grow up to 1 meter tall. “Rosea” has light pink flower spikes, “Gold Band” has golden stripes on the leaves, and “Silver Stripe” has silver stripes on the leaves. Large varieties grow up to 3 meters tall. “White Feather” has white flower spikes, and “Pink Feather” has pale pink.