Japanese Cornel has an attractive taste because the bark of the trunk is peeled off, the flowers bloom before the leaves develop, making the whole tree shine with gold, and the fruits turn a glossy red with the autumn leaves.
【仮名】サンシュユ, ヤマグミ, ハルコガネバナ, アキサンゴ
【和名】山茱萸, 春黄金花, 秋珊瑚
【英名】Japanese Cornel, Asiatic Dogwood
【学名】Cornus officinalis
【誕生】01/ 18, 02/ 21, 03/ 17
【開花】02, 03, 04月
Japanese Cornel
Japanese Cornel is a deciduous small tree of Cornaceae family. The place of origin is from China to the Korean Peninsula, and it was brought to Japan for medicinal use in the Edo period. It has an attractive taste because the bark of the trunk is peeled off, the flowers bloom before the leaves develop, making the whole tree shine with gold, and the fruits turn a glossy red with the autumn leaves. The language of flowers is “persistence”, “durability”, “robustness”, etc.
The name of Japanese Cornel is derived from the Chinese, and means wild fructus because the fruit resembles fructus. The genus name Cornus in Latin means “horn” because of its hard wood. The species name Officinalis means “medicinal”. The other name “spring golden flower” is derived from the flower, and “autumn coral” is derived from the fruit.
Japanese Cornel trunk turns brown when the gray bark is peeled off. The leaves are opposite at the tip of the branch, oval with a pointed tip, and hairy on the underside. The flowers bloom in small clusters, with 4 recurved petal-like bracts and 4 stamens. The fruit is an oblong drupe with vertical ridges, and although it becomes sweet when ripe, it has an astringent and sour taste.
Japanese Cornel is a herbal medicine. Use the ripe fruit, remove the seeds and dry in the sun. Ingredients include malic acid, tartaric acid, gallic acid, etc., and its effects include tonic and astringent. In folk remedies, the fruits are boiled or soaked in distilled liquor, and used for recovery from fatigue, nutritional tonic, hypotension, sensitivity to cold, insomnia, and frequent urination.
A related species of Japanese Cornel, “Cornelian Cherry”, originates from Central Europe to West Asia. Its fruit has a sweet and sour taste when ripe, and is used not only for eating raw but also for jams and juices. Rich in minerals such as calcium, it has long been used as a medicine for abdominal pain, colds, and diarrhea.