ボケ / Flowering Quince

ボケ / Flowering Quince Backyard
ボケ / Flowering Quince


In spring, the Flowering quince bloom before the leaves sprout. The flowers are round five-petaled flowers. Fruits that are colored in autumn are processed into jam and fruit liquor, and are used as crude drugs.

【仮名】ボケ, クサボケ
【和名】木瓜, 草木瓜
【英名】Flowering Quince, Japanese Quince
【誕生】02/ 04, 02/ 05, 02/ 17, 12/ 28
【開花】03, 04月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Orange



ボケ:ほぼ白色の花 / Chaenomeles - almost white flower
ボケ:ほぼ白色の花 / Chaenomeles – almost white flower



ボケ:桃色の蕾 / Chaenomeles - pink buds
ボケ:桃色の蕾 / Chaenomeles – pink buds



ボケ:桃色の花 / Chaenomeles - pink flower
ボケ:桃色の花 / Chaenomeles – pink flower



ボケ:赤色の花 / Chaenomeles - red flower
ボケ:赤色の花 / Chaenomeles – red flower



ボケ:朱色の花 / Chaenomeles - Vermilion flowers
ボケ:朱色の花 / Chaenomeles – Vermilion flowers


Flowering Quince

Flowering quince is a deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family. The place of origin is Mainland China, and it came to Japan for ornamental purposes during the Heian period. It was planted from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu, preferring good sunlight and drainage. There are many cultivars, more than 200. Depending on the flowering time, there are four seasons, cold, early, medium, and late.

The name of the quince is “Tree Meron” because the fruit resembles a melon. Originally the names were “Moke”, “Mokuka”, and “Bokwa”, but over time they changed to “Bokeh”. In addition, the one that blooms in early winter is “Kan Bokeh”, and the native species of Japan is “Kusa Bokeh”. The dried fruit that is used as a crude drug is “Mokkajitsu”.

The height of the Flowering quince is 1-2m. The tree shape is crowding and the stems are well-branched. The leaves are oval and alternate. The flowers bloom in spring before the leaves sprout. It is a round five-petaled flower, and there are two types of flowers, male and female. After flowering, it bears fruits in autumn. The blue peel becomes yellowish and eventually falls. The winter buds have triangular leaf buds and spherical flower buds.

Flowering quince fruits include citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid and fructose. However, the flesh is hard and the acidity and astringency are strong, so raw food is not edible. Therefore, it is processed into jam and fruit liquor, and used as a crude drug. In addition to blood supplementation, tonicity, fatigue recovery, and cough medicine, it is also useful for food poisoning, muscle tightening, and heat.

The native Japanese species “Kusa Bokeh” is distributed west of Kanto, Shikoku, and Kyushu in Honshu. It grows in sunny mountains. It is one size smaller than the bokeh, and the branches crawl up the slope, so it looks like grass. However, the flowers bloom and the fruits ripen, just like the quince. The crude drug name is “Wamokka”. It has a similar medicinal effect.
