Trumpet vine is a bird-borne flower with a large amount of nectar, with flowers blooming one after another from the branch of the shoot. It has long been considered toxic, but it is actually non-toxic.
【英名】Trumpet vine, Trumpet Creeper
【学名】Campsis grandiflora
【誕生】07/ 14, 07/ 15, 07/ 20, 08/ 06, 08/ 11
【開花】07, 08月
ノウゼンカズラの花言葉は「名声」「名誉」「栄光」です。これは花の形が勝者を祝福するラッパのようだから。そのため、英語でもtrumpet vine(蔓)、trumpet creeper(蔓植物)、trumpet flower(花)と呼ばれます。
Trumpet Vine
Bignonias is a deciduous tree of the family Bignonias. The Japanese name is Ryoshoka. The vines grow while taking out the air roots and adhering to other trees and walls. The flowers bloom one after another from the branches of the shoots on a daily basis and soon disperse.
Trumpet vine is an ornithophily. While the hummingbird is hovering in the air, it inserts its beak into the flower and sucks nectar. The amount of this nectar is so large that when the flowers fall, the nectar drips and moistens the surroundings. White-eyes and bees gather in the nectar.
The flower language of Trumpet vine is “fame,” “honor,” and “glory.” This is because the shape of the flower is like a trumpet that celebrates the winner. Therefore, it is also called trumpet vine, trumpet creeper, and trumpet flower in English.
Trumpet vine has long been thought to be poisonous, saying, “If you rub your eyes with your hands that touch the flowers, you will lose your eyesight.” However, it is actually a non-toxic plant. Rather, flowers and bark have been used as diuretics and sutras as Chinese herbs.
It is unclear why the Trumpet vine has come to be considered toxic. that’s strange.