The Japanese name of Japanese Beautyberry is the name of the author of “The Tale of Genji”, the world’s oldest full-length romance novel. It blooms with pretty pink flowers and ripens with glossy purple fruits.
【英名】Japanese Beautyberry
【学名】Callicarpa japonica
【誕生】10/ 17, 11/ 04, 11/ 06, 11/ 12
【開花】06, 07, 08月
【花色】Pink, Purple




Japanese Beautyberry

Japanese Beautyberry is a deciduous shrub of the Lamiaceae family. In Japan, it grows wild in southwestern Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and the Ryukyu Islands, and overseas in the Korean Peninsula, China, and Taiwan. The Japanese name is the name of the author of “The Tale of Genji”, the world’s oldest full-length romance novel, written in the 11th century. It blooms with pretty pink flowers and ripens with glossy purple fruits.
Japanese Beautyberry is the name of a court lady who was a writer and poet in the Heian period. The English name means “beautiful fruit of Japan”. The Latin genus name Callicarpa also means “beautiful fruit”.
The trunk of Japanese Beautyberry is upright. The bark is gray-brown, and when it becomes thicker, it has vertical cracks. The leaves are thin, oval, pointed, and have sawtoothed edges, and grow in opposite pairs. Small pink flowers bloom in clusters, giving off a faint fragrance. The small flowers have four-lobed perianths, four stamens, and two-lobed pistils. The fruits that bloom after flowering are spherical and ripen purple.
Callicarpa dichotoma, a species closely related to Japanese Beautyberry, has a Japanese name meaning “Small Japanese Beautyberry” and looks very similar to Japanese Beautyberry. The difference between Small Japanese Beautyberry and Japanese Beautyberry is that it is shorter, has drooping branches, smaller leaves, and smaller fruits. In addition, only the tip half of the leaves has sawtooth, the petiole and pedicel are separated, and the fruits grow close together.